from utils.rc.client.requests import Requests
from utils.rc.client.auth import AuthClient
from utils.rc.dtos.project import Project
from utils.rc.dtos.dataset import Dataset
from utils.rc.dtos.recipe import Recipe
from utils.rc.dtos.transform import Transform
from utils.rc.dtos.artifact import Artifact
from utils.rcclient.libs.dataapp_generator.dataapp_generator import DataappGenerator
from utils.rcclient.entities.app_template import AppTemplate, ParamMetadata
from utils.rcclient.enums import AppTemplateInputType, AppTemplateSource
from utils.rcclient.entities.dataapp import Dataapp
from utils.rc.dtos.template_v2 import TemplateV2, TemplateTransformV2
import requests
import pandas as pd
import logging
from utils.utils.log_util import LogUtil
LogUtil.set_basic_config(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Requests.setRootHost(””) AuthClient.setToken()
Create App Template
app_template = DataappGenerator.generate_app_template(name='testapp-template', display_name="RC streamlit test app 1", path="dataapps", source=AppTemplateSource.TENANT)
app_template.create_input_param(name="input_dataset", input_type=AppTemplateInputType.ENTITY, metadata=ParamMetadata(input_name="Entity", is_required=True, default_value="entity"))
app_template.create_input_param(name="input_artifact", input_type=AppTemplateInputType.ARTIFACT, metadata=ParamMetadata(input_name="Artifact", is_required=True, default_value="artifact"))
Get App Templates
It returns dict of templates with key as app template name and value as app template object.
templates = AppTemplate.get_all()
Enable/Disable an app template
testapp_tmpl = templates.get('testapp-template')
Creating a dataapp by using an app template
Create a sample project
# Create project
project = Project.create(
name='Sample Employee',
description='Sample Employee_promotion'
# createEmpty=True
# Add dataset
employee = project.addDataset(
dataset_description='Sample Employee Promotion Dataset',
dataset_file_path='data/sample_employee_promotion_case.csv' #path as per your folder structure in Jypyter
# Add artifacts
Artifact.add_file("my-outside-artifact-v1", "data/titanic.csv")
# Publish template
time_diff_template = TemplateV2(
name="sample_time_diff", description="Calculate the time difference between two dates",,
source="PROJECT", status="ACTIVE", tags=["UI", "Scalar"]
time_diff_template_transform = TemplateTransformV2(
type = "python", params=dict(notebookName="timediff.ipynb"))
time_diff_template.base_transforms = [time_diff_template_transform]
# Create recipe
calculate_age_recipe = project.addRecipe([employee], name='calculate_age_recipe', artifacts=["my-outside-artifact-v1"])
# Add transform
calculate_age_transform = Transform()
calculate_age_transform.templateId ='age'
calculate_age_transform.variables = {
'inputDataset': 'sample_employee',
'start_date': 'birth_date',
'end_date': 'start_date',
'how': 'years',
'outputcolumn': 'age',
'outputDataset': 'employee_with_age'
# Run recipe
Create dataapp for a given project and app template
dataapp = Dataapp.get_or_create(name="dataapp-using-testapp-template", app_template_id=testapp_tmpl._id,, params={"input_dataset":})
Launch the dataapp
Get dataapps
dataapp_by_name = Dataapp.find_by_name("dataapp-using-testapp-template")
Update a dataapp
dataapp.description = "Updated description"
dataapp.display_name = "Updated display name"
Using Dataapp in Recipe
Test if dataapp launched successfully
import os
host = Requests.getRootHost()
base_url = host.split("/api/")[0]
path = dataapp.url.split('?')[0]
url = f"{base_url}{path}healthz"
res = requests.get(url)
print(f"app: {} | url={url} | status: {res.status_code}")
assert res.status_code == 200
Deleting dataapps
Use this code block to delete the dataapp.
Dataapp variables
The following table lists all variables in dataapps.
Variable syntax |
Variable description |
Output |
This is used to fetch the env type. |
<EnvType.SMALL: ‘SMALL’> |
The is used to fetch the total cores in the selected environment. |
1 |
This is used to fetch the description for the dataapp |
This is used to fetch the display name of the dataapp. |
This is used to fetch the disk space in gbs. |
20 |
This is used to fetch memory in mbs. |
2048 |
This is used to fetch the dataapp name. |
20 |
This is used to fetch the parameters in the environment. |
{} |
This is used to fetch the project ID of the dataapp. |
‘523fea48-e27f-4d1e-b264-07455eda450a’ |
This is used to fetch the scenario ID of a project for which dataapp is generated. |
‘523fea48-e27f-4d1e-b264-07455eda450a’ |
This is used to fetch the dataapp URL to view charts. |
‘/dataapps/e6ec9bb2-9633-4037-8153-8a58ba943b77/?dlId=dataapp-using-testapp-template’ |