Release Notes for RapidCanvas Nov 07, 2023

New features

Prediction Service

A prediction service on top of a model can now be created and modified from the UI

Once the service is created, users also have the ability to test it by passing data as a CSV file or JSON

Additional information on how users can call the endpoint is provided within the UI


UI/UX Enhancements

Navigation Redesign: The left navigation menu has been restructured to align with a business user flow. The ‘Data Connectors’ module is now prominently positioned at the top for easier access, and other modules have been intuitively grouped based on their usage

User Interface Improvements: A series of UI enhancements have been implemented such as canvas icon changes, and error log changes to provide a smoother and more intuitive experience for our users.

Caching: Caching has been introduced across a few pages in the platform to improve load times

Data Analysis Tab Renaming: The ‘EDA’ tab within the Data view has been rebranded as ‘Data Analysis’ for clearer function representation.

Data Connectors Updates

Module Renaming: The ‘Data Sources’ module is now called ‘Data Connectors’ to more accurately represent its expanded capabilities, including the import and export of datasets. This change is consistent across the platform.

Support for Fivetran Connectors in Job run: Users can configure Job runs that import datasets directly from Fivetran

Edit Functionality for Fivetran Connectors: Users can now easily edit Fivetran connector configurations, accessing authentication pages, and manage connection fields, datasets, and jobs with a user-friendly interface.

New ‘Dataset’ and ‘Jobs’ Tabs: Two new tabs, ‘Dataset’ and ‘Jobs’, have been added to the data connectors’ interface to get additional information regarding source and destination datasets and associated jobs.

Projects Improvements

Canvas Save Button: A ‘Save’ button has been introduced on the canvas to lock in changes when rearranging the data pipeline, along with helpful tooltips for the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) view options.

Mandatory Tags for Templates: Tags are now required when creating or updating templates to facilitate easier sorting and organization of system templates.

Revamped Dataset Creation Window: The single file upload process has been refined and is now termed ‘single file import’, with the selection for this option set as the default.

GitHub and Notebook Integration

GitHub Integration: Hosted Notebooks now feature integrated GitHub credentials for seamless code management.

Bug fixes

We have addressed a comprehensive list of issues to improve your experience:

Segment Condition Update: Adjusting segment conditions now accurately updates the associated scenarios.

Data Upload Failures: The issue causing data upload failures during environment launches has been resolved.

Recipe Timeout Adjustments: The timeout field in recipes no longer accepts ‘0’ and defaults to a minimum of 2 hours.

Error Messaging Clarity: Enhanced error messages now display when running tests in environments that failed to launch.

Auto AI Bug Fixes: All identified issues with Auto AI have been resolved.

Miscellaneous Fixes

Visual and Textual Enhancements: Alignment, text display, and color notification issues within the UI have been addressed.

Enhanced Validations: Additional checks have been implemented for segment creation and naming conventions.

API and Backend Enhancements: Numerous backend changes have been implemented to improve the robustness and reliability of our services.