Release Notes for RapidCanvas October 01, 2024

New Features

Editable Recipe Code in Rapid Model Recipe for Data Scientists

Overview: Introducing the Recipe Code feature, allowing data scientists to edit model recipes directly within a Jupyter notebook interface.

Key Benefits:

  • Modify code to fit specific project requirements.

  • Save changes seamlessly integrated into the data pipeline.

  • Run pipelines with updated recipes to observe changes in output.

Impact: This flexibility simplifies the model fine-tuning process, enhances model performance, and effectively addresses specific use cases.

Introduced Prediction Service Input Type in Custom DataApp

Overview: A new input type for prediction services has been added to Custom DataApps.

Key Benefits:

  • Users can select a pre-configured prediction service linked to their project directly from the Ask AI page.

  • Simplifies AI model integration into custom applications.

  • Users can query AI models without manual setup, enabling quick access to insights.

Impact: Enhances ease of use, allowing users to obtain relevant AI predictions efficiently.

Table Settings in Ask AI for DataApp

Overview: Enhanced table settings within the Ask AI feature of DataApps.

Key Benefits:

  • Users can manage datasets more effectively by selecting or deselecting columns via checkboxes.

  • Columns can be reordered to improve data presentation.

Impact: Facilitates a more personalized and user-friendly experience, especially when working with large datasets, allowing users to focus on the most relevant information for their analyses.

Support for Azure OpenAI GPT-4o and Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet (Beta)

Overview: Expanded support for advanced querying with Azure OpenAI GPT-4o and Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet (beta).

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced capabilities for querying datasets from project canvas, custom-uploaded datasets, or SQL sources in Custom DataApps.

  • Generates more accurate and insightful responses to complex queries.

Impact: Offers users deeper, refined AI-powered insights, improving overall data analysis capabilities.

This update empowers users to work more seamlessly with different data formats and maintain better control over how their data is utilized, making it easier to create secure, tailored AI-driven insights.


Enhanced Usability: Sticky Search and Scrollable Cards

Overview: The DataApp now features scrollable data cards on projects, environments, and connectors pages, with fixed search and filter options at the top.

Key Benefits:

  • Navigate large datasets without losing sight of search criteria.

  • Improved usability with a more intuitive interface.

Impact: Enhances the user experience by simplifying item searches.

Custom DataApp Layout Changes

Overview: The custom configuration page layout in DataApps has been revamped for better organization.

Key Benefits:

  • Sections are rearranged for streamlined navigation.

  • Environment selection is restored, with the default pre-selected environment.

Impact: Provides greater flexibility in choosing the environment for DataApps, tailoring them to specific project needs.

Canvas Nodes List in Ask AI Recipe

Overview: The Ask AI Recipe feature now includes an expandable canvas nodes list.

Key Benefits:

  • View all entities (datasets, models, recipes, artifacts) by clicking the view icon.

  • Quick access to components with entities opening in new tabs.

  • Users can review and modify generated code via the canvas node list.

Impact: Enhances workflow efficiency and customization capabilities for data scientists.

Support for Auto-Suggestions in Ask AI Recipe and API Connector Recipe

Overview: Auto-suggestion capabilities are now available in the Code tab of the Ask AI /API connector ecipe.

Key Benefits:

  • Suggestions for file names, artifacts, and methods while typing.

  • Speeds up coding and reduces errors.

Impact: Guides users to write functional and optimized code more efficiently.

File Upload Enhancements for Documents and PDFs

Overview: Expanded support for document uploads in DataApps now includes text and markdown files alongside DOCX, DOC, and PDF formats.

Impact: Increases flexibility for document inputs and improves error handling.

Sticky Scrollbars for Datasets in Ask AI

Overview: The scrollbars for dataset selection now apply only to the dataset list, keeping the search bar sticky.

Key Benefits:

  • Maintains visibility of search options while scrolling through large datasets.

Impact: Improves navigation for a seamless user experience.

Invite Multiple Users at Once

Overview: Admins can now invite multiple users simultaneously by entering multiple email addresses in a single input field.

Key Changes:

  • Email addresses can be separated by commas or spaces.

  • The input field on the “Invite Users” page has been renamed from “User Email” to “User Emails” for clarity.

Impact: This update significantly streamlines the onboarding process, allowing admins to invite large groups of users quickly and efficiently, enhancing overall user management.