Use a template in a flow notebook

To use a template inside of the flow notebook, start by creating a new template using the syntax in the following example:

time_diff_template = TemplateV2(
    name="time_diff", description="Calculate the time difference between two dates",
    source="CUSTOM", status="ACTIVE", tags=["UI", "Scalar"]

Give your template a name , description , and tags . For now, your source should always be “CUSTOM” and status should always be “ACTIVE”

Next, you will add the transform notebook you have made to a template transform. See the following example for syntax:

time_diff_template_transform = TemplateTransformV2(
    type = "python", params=dict(notebookName="timediff.ipynb"))

Then you will add the template transform to the template and publish your template:

time_diff_template.base_transforms = [time_diff_template_transform]

To use your published template as a transform, you then need to create a transform object, assign its templateId for the id of your published template, give it a name, and pass in the values you want to use for your variables:

calculate_age_transform = Transform()
calculate_age_transform.templateId ='age'
calculate_age_transform.variables = {
    'inputDataset': 'employee',
    'start_date': 'birth_date',
    'end_date': 'start_date',
    'how': 'years',
    'outputcolumn': 'age',
    'outputDataset': 'employee_with_age'

Note that the names of the variables were defined previously inside of the transform notebook with the get_or_create…() method.

Now you are ready to add the transform to a recipe and run the recipe.
