Employee Promotion

Provide a summary of the solution in this section

Employee Promotion solution offers an insight into how RapidCanvas users and solution providers can build an end to end solution on the notebook interface and view the same on the UI

Problem Statement

Define the problem you are trying to solve

RapidCanvas users and solution providers do not have an easy way to understand how to build a solution on the platform. Traditional documentation offers all the necessary details however it does not provide a hands on approach to using the platform.

Business Goals

Define the business goals of this solution

  • Create and execute a new project on Notebook interface

  • Publish the project as a solution

  • Document the solution


Define how you solved this problem

To help RapidCanvas users build solutions easily on the platform, a 2 fold approach has been used:

  • Provide a pre built solution and the corresponding notebook interface to the users

  • Provide a pre built solution reference documentation

This help new users go through solution building end to end with instructions directly on the notebook and see the output on the UI as they run through the cells.

The reference documentation provides an outline of what to create as part of the solution documentation with examples and syntax


Provide high level details of your implementation

Notebook Implementation

Here is a reference notebook which users can use. Building a Solution on RapidCanvas

Solution Documentation

Here is the reference documentaton which users can use. Creating documentation for a solution


Provide the business outcomes. You can include charts, images

  • Reduction in time to understand solution building from 2 days to 4 hours

  • Ability to train multiple users with limited support from RapidCanvas

  • Standardized solutions and documentation

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