Templates Library
RapidCanvas provides a library of system templates, and is continuously adding more to the library. In case the system templates are not adequate, notebook users will be able to create templates as per the project needs. Business users on the web interface of RapidCanvas can see only Recipes and Transforms, and would be limited to the use of system templates and any custom templates developed and made available inside a tenant by their team of notebook users.
Datasets to test Templates
In case there is a need to test the templates below, you can use 4 csv files that are in the file below:
Templates Available
- Add Prefix
- Add Value Column
- All
- Any
- Append datasets
- At Time
- Auto ML Binary class
- Auto ML Regression
- Back Fill
- Between Time
- Bin columns
- Car Crashes Dataset Sample
- Cartesian Product
- Change Value of Specific Cell
- Check Column Types
- Check Duplicated Row
- Coalesce
- Columns
- Columns Covariance
- Compute Correlation
- Concat Columns
- Convert target for binary classification
- Copy dataset
- Correlation Matrix
- Count Unique Values
- Cube Column
- Cube Root Column
- Cummax
- Cummin
- Cumsum
- Cut Column
- Data quality
- Dataset head
- Dataset tail
- De-Normalize Column
- Describe dataset
- Detect Missing Values
- Detect Non-Missing Values
- Discretize by Binning
- Discretize by Frequency
- Discretize by Size
- Divide Column
- Drop Columns
- Drop Duplicates
- EDA Data profiler
- EDA Default
- EDA schema lite
- Encode Column
- Feature selection
- Fill Null Timeseries
- Fill Nulls
- Filter Dataset Equal
- Filter Dataset Greater Equal Than
- Filter Dataset Greater Than
- Filter Dataset Less Equal Than
- Filter Dataset Less Than
- Filter Example Range
- Flatten Dataset
- Forward Fill
- Frequency encoding
- Generate 10x10 Identity dataset
- Generate 10x10 Negative Int dataset
- Generate 10x10 Random Int dataset
- Generate 10x10 Zero dataset
- Generate NxN Identity dataset
- Generate NxN Negative Int dataset
- Generate NxN Random Int dataset
- Generate Zero dataset
- Geo Sample Dataset Cities
- Geo Sample Dataset Countries
- Geo Sample Dataset NY
- Get Dummies
- Group by column max
- Group by column mean
- Group by column min
- Head
- Independent Component Analysis
- Interpolate Missing Values
- Intersection
- Iris Dataset Sample
- Is In
- Kurtosis
- Locate by integer position
- Locate by label position
- Make Mixed dataset
- Map
- Memory Usage
- Merge datasets
- Multiply Column
- N Largest Values
- N Root Column
- N Smallest Values
- New Constant Column
- Normalize dataset
- One Hot Encoder
- One Hot Encoding
- Penguins Dataset Sample
- Pivot dataset
- Planets Dataset Sample
- Pop Column
- Power N Column
- Principal Component Analysis
- Random forest
- Rank By
- Rename Column
- Replace Infinite Values
- Replace Value
- Replace with Dictionary
- Round decimal places
- Sample Bootstrapping
- Sample Dataset
- Sample of a Column
- Sanitize column names
- Shuffle Dataset
- Single Describe for Whole Dataset
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Skew
- Sort by Column
- Split dataset
- Square Column
- Square Root Column
- Stack
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Error of Mean
- Subtract Value Column
- Sum
- Superset
- Tail
- Take Value
- Titanic Dataset Sample
- Time to event
- Train test split
- Transpose dataset
- Truncate dataset
- Tsfresh features
- Undersample timeseries data
- Union
- Unstack
- Value Counts
- Value Multiplication
- Variance